Monthly Archives: October 2012

Motives are everything

As my family and I begin the journey of church planting, my mind is continually racing on every different aspect of our next step. Where we our landing, our name, our vision and mission statement, what we want our reputation to be. And it can be very overwhelming.
But I want to be so pure in our motives that drive every decision we make.

I was at a big leadership conference last week and every speaker is this great leader that has an incredible church or business…
And I have to check my motives for why I want to plant this church.

Do I want to plant so that I can one day stand on a stage infront of 13,000 people…

Or do I have something to prove?

Or do I want to be recognized or known for how great of a leader I am?

Or do I want our plant to go so well that I have instant success as an author?

Or… oR…. OR


I heard one guy compare ministry and church planting  to pornography. We all watch these few, rare guys have all this success in church planting and it gives us an unrealistic view of what can really happen in our lives. I fall guilty in this so often.
I want to make disciples and see God transform lives on a daily basis. I dont care about my name, I care about His glory. I want our family to live and breath obedience to God, whether we ever get recognized or not.

I know so many guys our in the trenches that our serving the Lord and their community so well and will never be asked to speak or write or share, at anything. And they dont care. I want that heart. I want to use whatever platform I have for the Glory of the Lord, not so people notice me.
So if you are on this journey with us, pray for a clean heart and pure motives- because motives are everything.